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Because you are important to us, we'll help you champion your favourite cause. Use skydiving as the platform from which to raise money and we will partner with you to help you reach your goal. Call us, as we have limited partnerships within each season.

Discounted Jump


Some people like to donate money.  Other people want you to do something "crazy" in order to "earn" their money.


No problem!!


If you partner with us, and set a minimum fundraising goal of $3,000, we'll give you our charity rate when you meet, or exceed, that fundraising goal.


Plus a free t-shirt to wear on your jump!



Online Presence


With fundraising, the more people you reach, the more money you can raise.  With our fundraising partnership, we'll give you a page on our website for our "Featured Fundraiser" and link you to our Social Media accounts.  That's even more followers on:


  • Facebook

  • Twitter

  • Instagram

  • And more!


We'll even post a "Progress" chart.

Free Video/Stills Package


So, our collaborative effort raised money for your favourite registered charity... That's great.  Now it's time to reward all those people who donated their hard-earned money because, let's face it... if it's not on video, it never happened. ;-)


When you meet your goal, we'll throw in a FREE OUTSIDE VIDEO AND STILLS package and post it on our Social Media pages.

Call Us!


Toll Free: 1-844-JUMP-GAN



Call/Text: 1-613-484-JUMP


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